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ECHSA gives families a sense of hope as they navigate unprecedented times

Over the past year, Eastern Carolina Human Services Agency, Inc. (ECHSA) has seen a significant increase in requests for immediate housing assistance. The agency administers services to enable self-sufficiency in residents of Duplin, New Hanover, and Onslow counties. ECHSA leveraged The Duke Endowment funds to help reduce homelessness throughout its three-county area.

“The pandemic has been particularly hard on many of our families,” said ECHSA Executive Director Trudy Murray. “Due to job loss or cutback in hours, many clients were displaced or faced eviction. ECHSA is working to ensure that all of our clients are safe and have the financial means to remain in their homes.”

Mr. Ash, an ECHSA client, lost his job two months after the start of the pandemic. It took nearly a year for him to find another job. While unemployed, Mr. Ash racked up $3,500 in unpaid rent. He and his family would soon face eviction.

“I reached out to Eastern Carolina Community Services Agency for assistance to help me through a difficult time,” he said. “I’m forever grateful for The Duke Endowment and ECHSA’s support in repaying my back-due rent. I no longer live in fear of being evicted.”

Other ECHSA clients also expressed gratitude for the support provided by ECSHA and The Duke Endowment Fund. After receiving the following message, "I’m currently living in a hotel because I lost hours at work and can no longer afford to pay my rent,” ECHSA leveraged The Duke Endowment fund to place the client into an apartment. “Thank you ECHSA!” exclaimed the excited client. “I greatly appreciate your assistance with paying a deposit and 1st month of rent on a new place.”

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