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Big Pop-Up Distribution Event to Benefit Families Impacted by Hurricane Helene



CONTACT: Sharon C. Goodson

TELEPHONE: 919-790-5757

DATE: October 23, 2024

Morganton - Blue Ridge Community Action together with its state, regional and national partners will host a free products distribution event to assist families devastated by Hurricane Helene, Monday, October 28th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The rain or shine event will be held in the Blue Ridge Community Action (BRCA) Agency’s parking lot located at 800 N. Green Street in Morganton.

“Community action is resilient. Hurricane Helene may have slowed us down for a minute, but that has not stopped our efforts on the ground in Burke and surrounding counties to ensure low-income families, have the resources and support needed to navigate life and this crisis,” said Stephanie Ashley, Executive Director of BRCA. BRCA together with the Office of Economic Opportunity in the North Carolina Department of Health and Human

Services, Raleigh, NC; National Community Action Partnership, Washington, DC; the North Carolina Community Action Association, Raleigh, NC; the Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies, Columbus, OH; the Southeastern Association of Community Action Agencies, Birmingham, AL and the North Carolina Head Start Association, Thomasville, NC and Samaritan’s Feet, Charlotte, NC; will distribute a wide array of products including but not limited to new winter clothing, gloves, hats, tennis shoes, household items, baby, children and office supplies, toys, bedding, baby cribs, cleaning supplies, appliances and more.

The North Carolina Community Action Association (NCCAA) represents a statewide network of 33 anti-poverty organizations whose overarching mission to empower people through economic mobility, while improving communities for all people. The organization has a Go Fund Me at to support agency staff experiencing tremendous damage and loss due to Hurricane Helene.




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