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Our Approach

We leverage resources and funding from local, state, and national partners to implement a variety of services and programs designed to help low-income people reach and maintain self-sufficiency. Community Action Agencies conduct needs assessments across the state to determine where each dollar is best leveraged. We measure results to determine the success of our investments.

The Promise of Community Action

Community Action changes people's lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.

Where We Work

Our statewide community action network provides services to low-income and elderly individuals in all 100 North Carolina counties. The CAA Network however expands beyond North Carolina, with more than 1,100 agencies across the country.


Community Action At Work

NCCAA is committed to living and fulfilling the promise of community action. In collaboration with our partners and volunteers, our Community Action Agencies have worked diligently to reduce poverty in their communities. Here’s a snapshot of our impact.


North Carolinians served


Individuals received emergency assistance from CSBG Network


Participants gained employment, increased income, or achieved living-wage employment and benefits

Help Us End Poverty

Your investment in community-based anti-poverty strategies will strengthen families and communities, grow strong economies and make North Carolina a better place to live, work, play, and learn for us all.

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