Online Head Start Family
Engagement Certificate Program

We are pleased to announce that the North Carolina Community Action Association, in partnership with Southern University, is offering a Head Start Family Engagement Certificate!
As of August 22, everyone who successfully completes the Case Management certificate program also receives 3.5 hours of CEU credit.
2025 Class Start Dates

As of August 2022, everyone who successfully completes the Case Management certificate program will also receive 3.5 hours of CEU credit. Designed based on feedback received from Head Start staff across the state of North Carolina, this comprehensive, web-based certificate curriculum was developed in response to the Head Start Program Performance Standard §1302.9.
A program must ensure staff who work directly with families on the family partnership process hired after November 7, 2016, have within eighteen months of hire, at a minimum, a credential or certification in social work, human services, family services, counseling or a related field.
Embedded in each of the eight web-based modules are assignments designed to encourage critical reflection and skill application. Participants will complete one module per week, with the web-based platform allowing them to work at their own pace.
Module 1: History and Foundations of Practice
Module 2: Working with Families in Need
Module 3: An Empowerment Based Approach to Family Engagement and Relationship Building
Module 4: Case Management: Begin with the end in Mind
Module 5: Family Partnership Agreements
Module 6: Goal Setting and Documentation
Module 7: Safety First in Home Visiting
Module 8: Taking Good Care
At the completion of the course, participants should be able to demonstrate increased knowledge of theories and concepts related to family service work, as well as demonstrate increased competence in working with families in need.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Module 8
Individual Module Cost Total
20% Discount for Certificate (all 8 modules)
Group Discounts and Registration
Enroll 5 – 9 students and receive a 5% discount
Enroll 10 – 14 students and receive a 10% discount
Enroll 20 or more students to receive a 20% discount

"I think this would be extremely beneficial to new case managers or family service staff. It is also a great refresher for those who have been in their positions for years."
-- Participant

"This course helped me a lot in being able to analyze situations; to look for more than the eye sees and to listen. It not only helped with the job, but as a whole all around."
— Participant