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Online Case Management
Certificate Program


We are pleased to announce that the North Carolina Community Action Association, in partnership with Southern University, is offering a Case Management Certificate!


As of August 2022, everyone who successfully completes the Case Management certificate program will also receive 3.5 hours of CEU credit.

2025 Class Start Dates

March 17

August 4

October 13



Designed based on feedback from community action agencies across the state of North Carolina, this comprehensive, web-based certificate curriculum was developed in response to updated CSBG Annual Reporting guidelines and CSBG Organizational Standard 7.9.


Agencies with staff enrolled in our certificate training will not only meet this critical organizational standard, but also will be able to document staff time spent completing the course in the newly updated Community Service Block Grant Annual Report.



The organization conducts or makes available staff development/training (including ROMA) on an ongoing basis.


Embedded in each of the eight web-based modules are assignments designed to encourage critical reflection and skill application. Participants will complete one module per week, with the web-based platform allowing them to work at their own pace.



  • Module 1: History and Foundations of Practice

  • Module 2: Working with Families in Need

  • Module 3: An Empowerment Based Approach to Engagement

  • Module 4: Case Management Part 1, ROMA

  • Module 5: Case Management Part 2, Planning and Implementation

  • Module 6: Case Management Part 3, Reporting & Evaluating our Results

  • Module 7: Safety in Home Visiting

  • Module 8: Taking Good Care

At the completion of the course, participants should be able to demonstrate increased knowledge of theories and concepts related to case management, as well as demonstrate increased competence in working with families in need.


Module 1

Module 2

Module 3

Module 4

Module 5

Module 6

Module 7

Module 8









Individual Module Cost Total

20% Discount for Certificate (all 8 modules)



Group Discounts and Registration

Enroll 5 – 9 students and receive a 5% discount 


Enroll 10 – 14 students and receive a 10% discount


Enroll 20 or more students to receive a 20% discount

Businesswoman with Mask

“Modules 1-6 were extremely helpful, since I have not had previous training in what case management involves, how it should be done, especially within the ROMA framework. These modules also provided very helpful tools (OARS, powerful questions, SOAP, etc.) and ways to approach difficult situations which may occur.”

— Participant

“This course helps provide a better understanding of what families go through and the initial cause for their current situations. This helps us know how our organization can help and provide support.”

— Participant

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