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Want to add your voice? Join our line up of guest contributors!

We are always looking for people to share their experience and expertise. We accept blog topics that relate to poverty which can include topics like nutrition, reentry, psychology, race issues, parenting and child development, as well as current topics like the COVID vaccine, and more. You can research a topic, or submit an article about your own experiences as a low-income individual or family. Articles should be between 300-1,500 words. We also accept mini series of up to five blogs for topics that build on each other and can't be covered neatly in one short piece. As a guest blogger you will be credited as the author of the blog, and we will include a short bio at the bottom of the blog which can be about you or your business. You can include a link in your bio if you desire. If you chose to submit a short bio with your piece, please keep it no longer than six sentences and include a head shot. If you wish to remain anonymous, we'll just attribute your piece as "guest contributor."

Email your submissions as a word document to


Community Action At Work

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